Goodbye, Blackboard … Hello, Canvas!

Starting Summer 2018 all courses will be on Canvas.


So far the move to Canvas has exceeded our expectations. We had 63 利记sbo faculty volunteer to use Canvas this spring, and the feedback from both faculty and students has been overwhelmingly positive. We are grateful to these faculty for helping us address any issues now so we can have a smooth full implementation this summer. Here is the plan for the final phase of 利记sbo’s move to Canvas.

Access to Canvas & Demo/Test Sites

  • All full-time faculty have a Canvas demo site to experiment and learn Canvas features
  • To log into Canvas, go to, click on Canvas and then use your 利记sbo campus/network credentials to login (same as you currently use for canvas).
  • The 利记sbo Canvas template will be automatically loaded for your Canvas sites. eLearning can help you make any needed changes/modification to the template, but it includes pre-built features that will make it easier to get your classes going.

Canvas Training & Support

  • We’ve developed a Canvas Training site for faculty. It will introduce you to Canvas, the 利记sbo template and guide you through common Canvas features like adding an assignment, posting an announcement and taking attendance via the Canvas seating chart (a popular feature this spring).
  • We will have walk-in support sessions in C202 (helpdesk area) throughout February, March and April. Here is a calendar link showing the days and time we will be in C202 to help faculty with questions, features and moving course material from Blackboard to Canvas. eLearning is happy to meet with you at other times. Just let us know how we can help.

Conversion of Canvas material

  • Spring 2017 is the last term on canvas. All access to canvas will be gone so it is VITAL that you save any files and content from canvas this Spring. Course materials, grades and samples of student work (especially important for Assessment Committee reports) need to be exported and saved.
  • If you have a Canvas development site where you store files and materials, you’ll need to export the organization so you have the files.
  • IT and eLearning are working on how to approach Canvas organizations. We are in the process of reaching out to the leaders of each organization to determine the best tool moving forward.

 Thanks for all you do here at 利记sbo!

– eLearning Services